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Encash expands access to financial services with KAL’s RTM

Encash is delivering financial transactions and expanding access to financial services to previously unserved customers in new markets across the Philippines with KAL’s RTM.

With local banks absent in over a third of Filipino towns, the RTM allows Encash to now provide ATM transaction services to previously unserved areas. RTM’s innovative approach sidesteps the logistical challenges and high costs banks face in providing access to ATMs in remote areas.

The RTM can be used in any location where cash is already present (eg supermarkets, hotels, post-offices, etc), engaging new types of partners and new opportunities for ATM deployers.

Encash sales and marketing director Marga Estebanlar was joined by KAL CEO Aravinda Korala at the recent South East Asia ATMs event to present details and case study examples of this unique new venture. You can watch the presentation video here.

The presentation shows how innovation can bring previously inaccessible ATM market opportunities within reach. Using the RTM, Encash was able to enter sectors unserved by any ATM deployer in the Philippines.

The RTM is another example of the ATM industry’s unique contribution to global growth through the increased use of self-service to deliver secure financial transactions to an increasing portion of the globe.

For more on the RTM click here.