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Ploutus-D and US jackpotting attacks

In the wake of a rise in ATM jackpotting attacks in the United States, KAL would like to reiterate its advice to customers regarding the malware Ploutus-D.

ATM jackpotting attacks

This malware, which has been linked to the recent jackpotting attacks, can dispense cash from an XFS compliant ATM, provided that the malware can be inserted into the ATM in the first place.

It is essential that KAL customers enable the Kalignite Lockdown security software on all ATMs. This will help secure ATMs against Ploutus-D, as well as other types of malware.

For more information about how Ploutus-D works and KAL’s advice on how to block it, go to KAL’s original article about Ploutus-D.